Top Places To Get Business Funding

  • March 28 2023
  • Vanezia Hamilton

Top Places To Get Business Funding

Top Places To Get Business Funding

Here are some examples of business grants that may be available:

  1. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grants – These grants are for small businesses looking to develop new technology or innovation in a particular industry.
  2. Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grants – Similar to SBIR grants, these are for small businesses partnering with universities or research institutions to develop new technology.
  3. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grants – These grants aim to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in economically distressed areas.
  4. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) – These grants provide funding to communities to support economic development initiatives such as infrastructure improvements, job training programs, and business development.
  5. USDA Rural Business Development Grants – These grants provide funding to businesses in rural areas to support job creation and economic growth.
  6. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Grants – These grants provide funding for small and medium-sized manufacturers to help them improve their competitiveness and productivity.
  7. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grants – These grants are for small businesses developing new technologies to address environmental challenges.
  8. Small Business Administration (SBA) Grants – The SBA offers a variety of grants to support small business development, including grants for exporting, research and development, and disaster recovery.
  9. Women’s Business Centers (WBC) Grants – These grants support programs that provide training, counseling, and other resources for women entrepreneurs.
  10. Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Grants – These grants support minority-owned businesses with a focus on job creation and economic development.

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