How to File a Dispute with Your Bank

  • April 9 2023
  • Vanezia Hamilton

How to File a Dispute with Your Bank

Are you feeling frustrated and helpless because of a banking error or unauthorized transaction on your account? Many people experience the same issue and don’t know how to file a dispute with their bank. If you have a dispute with your bank, there are a few different steps you need to take.

  1. Get started by gathering all of the relevant information

Before filing a dispute, it’s important to gather as much information as possible. This includes the facts of your situation, any documentation you have related to the dispute, and contact information for both your bank and the company you’re disputes with.

  1. File a formal complaint

Once you’ve gathered all of the info needed, it’s time to file a formal complaint with your bank. To do this, contact customer service using the info you gathered in step 1 and provide them with all of the relevant information in step 2.

  1. Wait for a response from your bank

After filing your complaint, it’ll be up to your bank to resolve the issue. Depending on the type of dispute (and how complicated it is), this process can take anywhere from days to weeks. Keep track of any updates by checking your bank’s website or contacting customer service again if there’s anything new developments in the case.


Important Things to Keep in Mind when Filing a Dispute

When you’re ready to file a dispute with your bank, there are a few important things to keep in mind. Here’s what to do if you experience any of the following issues:

You aren’t receiving the services you purchased.

If you believe that your bank is not providing the services it advertised or promised, filing a dispute can help get things resolved. To start, contact your bank and explain why you think it’s not meeting your needs. If your issue isn’t resolved after talking to customer service, then filing a dispute may be the next step.

Your account has been closed without warning or explanation.

If your bank closes your account without warning or an explanation, this could be considered an unfair practice and may entitle you to compensation. Contact your bank and explain what happened; ask for a copy of the notice informing you of the closure and for copies of all correspondence between yourself and the bank regarding the closed account. If nothing is done after contacting your bank, filing a dispute may be next step.

Your bank is refusing to refund your money.

If you believe that your bank is refusing to refund your money, filing a dispute may help get the issue resolved. To start, contact your bank and explain why you think the refund is warranted. Next, provide documentation that supports your case, such as receipts or bank statements. If your issue isn’t resolved after talking to customer service, then filing a dispute may be the next step.



If you have had a negative experience with your bank or feel that they mishandled your account, it may be worth filing a dispute. Our guide will walk you through the entire process, from start to finish, so that you can get the resolution you deserve. Keep in mind that disputes can take some time to resolve, but by following our tips, you should have a better chance of success.

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Have you ever faced an issue with your bank and had to file a dispute? Or perhaps you're going through the process now and have questions or insights to share. Whether you've successfully resolved a banking dispute, encountered challenges, or want to ask a question or share your thoughts, we encourage you to leave your comment below. Your experiences and opinions are valuable to us and our community, and we look forward to hearing from you!