
How to Pivot in your business - learnfromphone

Written by Vanezia Hamilton | Apr 18, 2023 5:00:00 AM

The Art of Pivoting: How to Shift Your Business Strategy for Success


In the ever-evolving world of business, sometimes the key to success lies not in sticking to your original plan, but in being able to pivot and adapt. Whether it’s a change in market conditions or unexpected obstacles that arise, knowing how to shift your business strategy can make all the difference.

If your business is feeling stagnant or out of sync with your current market, it might be time to pivot. Pivoting can help you shift your business strategy for success and bring your business back on track.


There are a few things to keep in mind when pivoting:


  1. identify what’s working and focus on duplication or improvement of those strengths
  2. ensure that the new direction is aligned with your overarching goals and values
  3. develop a plan for how you’ll introduce the new strategy to employees, partners, and customers
  4. maintain communication with all stakeholders throughout the process to ensure they are comfortable with and supportive of the change


3 Steps to a Successful Pivot


There’s a new business strategy in town – and it’s called pivoting. Pivoting is the process of switching your business focus from one area to another in order to achieve success.


Here are three steps to a successful pivot:


  1. Identify your core strengths. What are your company’s unique selling points? What makes you different from your competition? Once you know what makes you special, focus on developing and marketing these strengths.


  1. Adapt your strategy. As your business evolves, it may become necessary to change the way you do things in order to compete successfully. Be flexible and adapt as needed – this will show that you’re willing to take risks and aren’t afraid of change.

  1. Get creative. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas – this will show that you’re open-minded and looking for ways to improve your business operations.


Tips for Moving Forward


  1. Take stock of your business and assess where you are currently positioned. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What do you need to do to improve upon what you already have? This can be done by mapping out your current customer base, competitor landscape, and product offerings.


  1. Identify any opportunities that may exist for growth or expansion. Are there new markets that you could explore? Are there new products or services that could be added to your repertoire? Once you have a good understanding of where you want to go, start planning how to get there. This involves research, analysis, and planning – it’s not easy but it is essential for long-term success.


  1. Make sure your company culture reflects the goals that you’ve set for yourself. Is everyone on board with the new direction? Do they feel like they’re able to contribute in a meaningful way? If not, make changes so that everyone feels invested in the success of the company.


  1. Build relationships with key allies and partners. They can be invaluable resources as you navigate these uncharted waters, and they may have insights or knowledge that can help you achieve your goals faster than anticipated. cultivate these relationships by being proactive in approaching them with ideas and proposals – don’t wait for them to approach you first!


  1. Be creative in finding new ways to reach your target market. Social media platforms offer great opportunities to connect with potential customers directly (and even convert a few). Develop creative marketing campaigns that target your specific needs and interests.


  1. Stay organized and efficient in your business operations. Make sure you have a clear plan for everything from sales to marketing to customer service – and make sure everyone is following it closely. Keep tabs on the progress of your projects so that you can quickly adjust if necessary.


  1. Be patient– success doesn’t come overnight, and it definitely doesn’t come without a lot of hard work and dedication. But with the right strategies in place, you can achieve great things – no matter what obstacles stand in your way.