Women in STEM

  • April 19 2023
  • Vanezia Hamilton

Women in STEM

Why Encouraging Girls to Pursue STEM is More Important Than Ever


STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields have traditionally been male-dominated. However, in today’s world where technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace and innovation is crucial for growth, it’s more important than ever to encourage girls to pursue STEM careers. Not only will this help bridge the gender gap in these industries but also bring diverse perspectives and ideas that can change the world as we know it.


The Importance of Women in STEM


There are countless reasons why encouraging girls to pursue STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is more important than ever.


For one, women make up roughly half of the population, but they account for only a third of scientists and engineers. This is because many girls shy away from math and science classes in school, believing that these subjects are not “for them.” But as we know now, this simply isn’t true. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities for women in STEM fields no matter what their background may be.


STEM jobs also offer some of the highest wages out there. According to The Huffington Post, median earnings for women in science and engineering occupations were $116,530 in 2016 – more than double the median earnings for women in all other job categories combined. So if you can get your daughter interested in pursuing a career in STEM, doing so will definitely be worth it!



The Need for Girls in STEM


STEM, or science, technology, engineering and math, is one of the most commonly pursued fields of study for young adults. However, females make up only about half of all students in these disciplines. This lack of diversity in STEM has been linked to a number of negative outcomes, including lower wages and fewer opportunities for promotion.


There are a few reasons why encouraging girls to pursue STEM is more important than ever. First, when women are involved in STEM fields, they tend to be more creative and innovative. They also have better problem-solving skills and can work well in teams. Second, when women are more prevalent in STEM fields, they help to promote gender equality. Third, when more women enter the workforce in positions where they can impact change, businesses and societies benefit financially as well as culturally.


So what can schools do to encourage girls to pursue STEM? There are a number of things that teachers and parents can do together:


1) Encourage girls from an early age to explore their interests in science and mathematics. This will help them develop a strong interest in these subjects which will give them greater motivation to continue pursuing STEM studies later on in life.


2) Teach girls how to use technology effectively so that they can participate fully in online discussions and activities related to STEM topics.


3) Help them develop critical thinking skills so that they can understand complex concepts related to science and mathematics.


4) Provide support for girls who encounter challenges when pursuing STEM disciplines. This could include providing intervention and assistance with schoolwork, helping to find internships or apprenticeships, or providing access to technology resources that are compatible with their interests.


5) Celebrate the successes of girls who pursue STEM disciplines, whether they achieve academic awards or meet other professional goals.


Together, these strategies can help to increase the number of girls pursuing STEM fields and ensure that they have access to the opportunities they need to be successful in this demanding field.




As more girls pursue careers in STEM fields, it is more important than ever to encourage them. Too often, girls are discouraged from pursuing scientific and mathematical disciplines early on due to the misconception that these pursuits are for boys only. However, this is not the case; there is an abundance of jobs available in STEM fields that can be enjoyed by both men and women. By encouraging girls to pursue these fields at an early age, we can help create a future filled with innovative thinkers who will make a positive impact on society as a whole.

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